
What types of accommodation are available?

For adults we offer a range of accommodation options depending on your preferred destination – from host families to shared student apartments and residences. For students at our summer camps, there is a range of accommodation from single ensuite bedrooms to quadruple rooms in student residences. Please check your preferred camp page to see what options are available. 

Can I book a course without booking accommodation?

Yes, you can book your language course without accommodation. 

How do I pay for my accommodation?

The accommodation fee will be included in your enrolment invoice, so it needs to be paid in the same way as the language course or summer camp. 

Can I book accommodation without booking a course?


When will I receive the exact details about my accommodation?

Approximately three weeks before your course start date, we will send exact details: name, address, telephone number, email address (if available), and a brief description of the accommodation.